We are a reflection of the people we choose to be with.
If human society resembled ordering a 5-course meal at a restaurant, Friendship is the appetizer and dessert of the dine out. Now, because we are all away from our gangs, it has given more time to both you and me to have more time. In a group of friends, each bugger brings up something to the table. I hope you could list out all your partners in crime as we walk ahead.
If you are the friend who wouldn’t stick to the plan! (for good at times): The Anti-Hero
Obviously, you are the heart and soul of the team. The Anti-Hero. You have an aura of obsession which enables you to assess as an imperfection in mathematical terms, which will just ruin everything we all have tried to do. It is true that this will just make us all feel like kicking you off the planet, but that is what makes a scene to laugh at. You have the sheer ability to act like a freak when you are not in a mood, make the most unlikable comment and observation which is factually true. But we hate and love you for that. Because you are the one who will argue with the Hotel Manager if the Daal Tadkaa has less tadkaa and get us all free desserts.
If you are the friend who plays the role of Public Relations Officer: The Diplomat
More about the Diplomat personality on 16personalities.com
You are the friend whom the whole gang owes. Because of your “diplomatic” outreach to the professors of your class, parents of your friends’, you could get the permission to following key operations:
Negotiate with all parents and get permission to party unrestricted Holi at your family lawn
Negotiate with the Landlord and get permission to party at the house
Negotiate with the institute’s authority and get permission to conduct get together parties even when there is no reason to do so
If you are the one who has accomplished the above illustrations, you must remember that you are the face and brand of whole gang. As pointed out by global diplomats, “Diplomacy is like banking. You invest and accumulate your good will and then your friends will use it when required”. Every gang has such PR Officer who makes sure that the whole party gets to have fun. And they do so because they think the gang deserves it.
If you are the friend who is good at comebacks: The Item number/ Too Cool
Well, you are the official badass of the troupe. You have the quirkiest sense of humor which will compensate for the more vulnerable among the group. Imagine the scene when all friends are tired with their day of work and end up sitting in the balcony,you would start the conversation with a laugh by making the most hilarious comment on the Anti-Hero of the group. Well, you have a soft side, that is the whole group. I mean, more so than the other characters. You thrive in company of the gang, live for the gang, more so than the others. It is obvious because you won’t be able to come up with quirky comments without doing your homework on everyone in the gang.
If you are the friend who uses the gang as lab rats: The Scientist
picture credit: Dreamstime.com
When I say experiment, I am talking about the social experiments. You will insist your troupe to try your “herbal” tea, you will order the most unheard cuisines when you are attending a birthday party and you will give out of the box and untested relationship advice. Since you are the scientist, you do not gamble. Every trial is based on some assumptions. You silently observe all the other characters in this article and discuss with yourself on where they got it all wrong. You might seem like a weirdo, but when nothing works, your advice is worth the shot. You are the one who starts the conversation with,” Aye…Chal na!” Would that make you Rambo/ Sarah Conner of the gang?
I know the list is a never ending one. An honorable mention to the unsung heroes of “Mirror Lover” and “Devdas/ Paaro” category of friends shall also be respected. We are lucky to have friends in our lives, who show the mix of all shades listed above and much much more. They are the sponge when you are at your low. They are your sidekicks when you are at a fight/ date. They are your credit card when you need money. They are your victims when you make a bad “herbal tea”. When you are away from all these friends, any Sunday is worth the nostalgia.
Belated Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Hunting!